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Добавить в блокнотВерсия для печати Вакансия: Программист C++/Visual C++
Зарплата:130 $
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Возраст: от 24 до 45
График работы:удаленная работа

Срочно нужен программист для выполнения нижеследующего задания ! (удаленная работа, работа на дому)

Оплата: 130$
Макс срок исполнения:14 дней
Platform: Microsoft Windows, C++ / C, MySQL
A Visual Studio 2003 Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (7.x) unmanaged dynamic-link library that uses the Microsoft Foundation Class library.

For performance reasons, we need to rewrite some code in unmanaged C++ under Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (7.x) with Microsoft Foundation Class.

We would like a "libhttrack-plugin.dll" written in unmanaged C++ under Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (7.x) with MFC.

The DLL will have the following functions:

1) Read a configuration file named "libhttrack-plugin.cfg" (see attached sample) that specifies the MySQL 5.x database connection string and other information.
2) Parse a URL string consisting of a site name, page and query string, such as "www.bigbros.net/Index.php?VarA=1&VarB=2" into into "site", "page" and "query"
3) Write the "site" name to a local memory cache.
4) Detect if a "site" name is in the local memory cache.
5) Strip the "GET" variables and parameters specified in the configuration file (such as VarA=1 or VarB=2) from the URL query string.
6) Detect if the URL string "site" does a regular expression match against the string specified by "InhibitParse" or "InhibitStore" in the configuration file. (Please see the "Skip_Sample_cs.txt" for sample Skip/Inhibit code.)
7) Generate a SHA1 hash value from a string.
8) Write a record to a MySQL database.
9) Read a record from a MySQL database.
10) Log progress and errors in a file called "libhttrack-plugin.txt" (see attached).

The DLL may connect to MySQL using the standard MySQL Connector (dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector), and can use any compatible GPL zip compression library for the HTML compression (such as www.zlib.net).

The final result will be:
A) A "libhttrack-plugin.dll" written in unmanaged C++ under MSVC7 with MFC.

B) The DLL will perform the ten functions listed above.

C) A simple test program to demonstrate the functionality.

The code must be modular and well documented in a neat and readable way. It must run without any compiler and logical errors. The DLL will be written in unmanaged C++ under Visual Studio 2003 Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (7.x) with MFC.

You will finish with:

A) A Visual Studio 2003 Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (7.x) MFC project for "libhttrack-plugin.dll".

B) The ability to demonstrate that the functions work as specified.


A) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
B) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition.

Постоянный адрес объявления: http://job.pl.ua/vacancies/1144.html

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